The issues with the deportation process would be resolved rationally by implementing immigration laws that were in effect 20 years ago.
These laws treated immigrants with fairness. Every immigrant with a crime had a meaningful hearing with the judge where he presented the facts, showed proof of rehabilitation, and explained how he contributed to the community, employers, and family. Then the immigration judge decided who would be deported. Some are in support of the deportation of all illegal immigrants who have a criminal record. However, this is not the best viable solution as the current process for deportation is faulty and expensive. When a person is arrested he or she will undergo a background check. Those who are undocumented are put in detention centers. They are detained until an immigration official decides if their crimes are a reason for deportation. According to the federal government, deportation programs are helpful in defending us from dangerous criminals. But this is misinformation.

The truth is that detention is not necessary for deportation.
At a court hearing, a judge or official decides if a person will be deported. Holding someone in a detention center until their court date is a needless expense. In the last 7 years, taxpayers paid millions of dollars that were used daily to keep immigrants in detention. Because there are not enough judges to speed up the process some detainees have to wait in detention for a few years for their trial in immigration court. For this reason, more for-profit prisons have been created. Most detention centers and immigration centers are owned by for-profit corporations.
Another problem with holding noncitizens in detention is that not all who are put in detention have committed serious crimes. For example, almost half of the detainees in 2013 had charges dropped or were found not guilty. Hiring more judges and speeding up the process would cut down on needless expenses for those who do not need to be detained. There is also an issue with immigration law. Crimes under this law are at times classified as more serious than what they really are. In addition, under retroactive basis those who committed crimes two decades ago are automatically on the list for deportation. This in turn affects people in their 60’s with crimes that were relatively minor during the time of occurrence.
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Uribe & Uribe APLC
Nothing can impact your life or the life of a family member more than one’s immigration status. Are you interested in obtaining immigration benefits? Do you have a plan in action for success? At the Uribe & Uribe APLC we can help you create a strategy for success.